Friday, September 23, 2016


Just a quick reminder to ALWAYS check that laptops are shut down completely when they are returned before putting them back in the cabinet. When they are stored while turned on, even in sleep mode, they easily overheat and then cannot be used until they cool down and charge again.

Check EVERY LAPTOP, EVERY TIME and make sure it is OFF, not just in sleep mode. 

  • On the Macs this is pretty obvious - but you can double check by moving the mouse around to see if the screen comes on. 
  • On the PCs, sleep mode can be deceiving - look at the power button and if it is slowly lighting up blue and then going off again, the laptop is ON and asleep; you will need to push the power button to bring it out of sleep mode, login and then shut down the computer using the Start menu in the lower left corner of the screen.
Let Allison know if you have any questions.

Rm 410 re-opens as Mothers' Room

The transformation of room 410 into the 'Mothers' Room' is complete. The room is now reserved ONLY for pumping - it is not to be used as a study or 'nap room.' The room can be booked online using the room reservations website: there are two separate listings so that two people can use it at the same time (there is a privacy curtain separating the two spaces). 

When someone comes to use the Mothers' Room Library staff will need to:
  • Walk upstairs with the person and unlock the door
  • Instruct the person to stop by the front desk when they are finished in the room
  • After the person has left, go back upstairs and make sure that the room is clean, the lights are off, and the door is locked (there is a button lock on the back of the door or it can be locked with the key)
The key is on a magnet clip by the work study schedule just inside the workroom door, where it will be easily accessible. The lock can be tricky - you need to turn the key and handle up to open it - take a minute during your shift today to go try it and let Allison know if you have trouble.

In the evening, if you are the only one here, you will need to put up the 'We will return in a few minutes' sign when you go upstairs to lock/unlock the room.

Please let Allison or Noreen know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Room 410 Transformation

You may have heard that room 410, (previously Study Room 4), is being changed into a "Mothers' Room" for breastfeeding mothers who need a place to pump in private. The room has been temporarily removed from the Room Bookings calendar online and the door is currently locked. New furniture is being moved in and the walls are being repaired and painted. The room is closed for use until the transformation is complete. 

When it re-opens as the 'Mothers' Room' it will be reserved for that purpose ONLY and will be locked when not in use. The room will have space for two people at a time, if needed, with the use of a privacy screen. Advance online reservations will be available as will 'emergency' use, all during Library staffed hours only. The room will have armchairs, side tables, two electrical outlets, a privacy screen and clorox wipes/hand-sanitizer. 

Please feel free to let other students know that this space will soon be available, but room 410 will no longer be a study space.

Friday, September 2, 2016


The laptop checkout forms have been re-formatted to fit on one side of a page. This was done so that the person checking out the laptop can readily see what they are signing. The procedure and rules remain exactly the same (laptops are for single day use ONLY and must be returned by closing), the form just looks a little different. 

The forms are in the same place and those printed on white paper are for regular use. The bright green forms are for weekend check-outs on FRIDAYS ONLY and require ALLISON or NOREEN's signature. 

Take a look at the new form to familiarize yourself with the format.

As always, let Allison or Noreen know if you have any questions.


Since the Cristo Rey students complete the majority of tasks on the existing Work Study Daily Checklist, I have shortened and simplified it to be only an opening/closing procedure checklist for you to complete each time you open or close the Library.

The new checklist will be on a clipboard at the front desk and should be completed EVERY TIME you open or close the Library.

There are no new tasks to complete, it simply serves as a double check that everything is done each day. This is especially important at closing as a security issue for the laptops and back office.

As always, let Allison or Noreen know if you have any questions.