Monday, May 22, 2017

New HP Laptops &
MacBook Power Cords & Adapters

Three new HP Laptops have been cataloged and are available for checkout in the Cabinet marked with a "C."  The Chromebooks have been moved to the bottom left drawer of the Library worktable, on Kaitlyn's side.  The key for this cabinet is the on the same ring as the other Laptop cabinet and is marked "C."

There are two MacBook power cords available for checkout.  The power cords are kept in white bubble mailers marked MacBook Power Adapter with Extension Cord.  These packages are in the second cubby of the Library workroom (next to the one where we keep the laptop cabinet key).  The power cord is barcoded, but we want the clients to take the entire package.  When checking these in, a message pops up in Sierra to check for both parts.  

Also, there are two MacBook adapters that snap into the power cords, converting the plugs to use with other type of MacBooks.  These small parts are kept in separate plastic bags with barcodes on the front of the bags.  Also, they are stored in the second cubby.  

Sorry for this wordy explanation.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Reminder to Enter Statistics

During Summer Term, it is easy to forget to enter statistics because we don't have as many clients.  It is still very important!!  These statistics help show a need for student workers at the Library.

Remember to enter interactions in LibAnalytics statistics program, EVERY TIME YOU INTERACT with a client -  check-out/in (this includes check-ins that are left in the basket), phone calls, directions, referrals, laptops, etc. 

  • LibAnalytics should ALWAYS be open on the front desk computers. If you arrive to work and it is not open, ask Noreen or Allison, or refer to the TVs & Computers section of the codex for the URL and login information.

  • You should always enter MCW as YOUR LOCATION and select the appropriate categories for the client. You will probably most often be using MCCN Student, in which case, the client affiliation is MCCN and your location is MCW.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Advice from Your Librarians

on Finals Week

  • "Don't cheat!  Life will depend on your decision in the future."  Stevo
  • "Take time to decompress."  Kaitlyn
  • "Don't change your answer!  When in doubt, leave the answer blank and come back to it at the end."  Noreen
Most of all, get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy meal!

We wish you all the best on your finals and a happy & healthy Holiday Break!