Monday, February 26, 2018

Do Not Save Personal Files & Documents on the Circulation Computers

Please do not save anything onto the circulation computers. When too many files are saved onto them the computers will begin to run slower that usual. Please be advised that Kaitlyn is going to go through both of the circulation computers next week and will delete all files that do not pertain to the library. You all will have until 8:30 am on March 5th to save your documents and files before Kaitlyn will delete them. 

You are more than welcome to save your documents to a flash drive and work on them during your shift. 
You are also more than welcome to work on your document/file and then email it to yourself. 

Please note that after March 5th Kaitlyn will be checking the computers periodically and will delete whatever personal files that she finds with no warning to the student. 

Monday, February 19, 2018


To make things easier on all of us we have decided to keep the bottom left hand shelf in the laptop cabinet reserved for the MAC computers ONLY. This way we can all immediately see if we have any MAC's available for checkout. Below is a picture of the cabinet for your reference. 

*Also just a reminder, PLEASE do not jut shove the computers into the cabinet and leave them looking like a mess. Please make the laptop cabinet look like the top picture whenever you are working.

If you have any questions please ask Kaitlyn or Noreen.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Shifting The Collection

As you may or may not have noticed the books in the MCHS Library have been moving about. For those of you who are not actively involved in this project, you still need to know the highlights so that you may best serve our patrons. 
  1. The patient education literature (brochures and pamphlets) were all recycled.
    1. If a patron is looking for these please refer them to Valerie Ward (5-6900) and she can help them.
  2. The business collection that was once on the 3rd floor is now integrated with the general collection on the 4th floor. 
  3. The general collection is moving to where the patient education literature used to be located.
  4. The 3rd floor of the library is now exclusively the nursing collection.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask Noreen or Kaitlyn.

Monday, February 5, 2018

There are 4 items that should always be open on the computers while you are at work:

The first is the library home page 

to get to this page just place the URL ( in the bar at the top of the page

The second is Libanalytics

to get to libanalytics go to:
the username is: and the password is: "welcome"

The third is the work study student blog

to get to this site go to:
(to see the entire page you may have to enter in your firewall password)

The fourth program is Sierra

(this can be opened by clicking on the sierra icon)
the first page username is: mcw_mcir and the password is: m0uln8
the second username is: mcwss and the password is: mcaq1

If you ever come in for a shift and you notice that one of these programs is not open, please open it and log in. These are all important and necessary to your job.