Friday, August 30, 2019

Labor Day Special Post

I heard this story on National Public Radio today and wanted to share it with all of you.  A great testament to the profession you are all pursuing: our future nurses!!

Can you answer that?

Yes, you can!!  This new telephone has replaced the old models at all locations throughout the Library and MCCN campus.  They may look intimidating, but most of the functions remain the same.  

The best news -- transfers are still handled the same way:  
Transfer-->5-digit extension -->Transfer

Also, the camera enables video phone calls only for internal Mount Carmel Health System phone calls.  BTW -- we turned off all of the cameras.  If you notice that one is on, twist the little camera lens at the top.

You do not need to worry about checking voicemail messages.  If you notice one on the screen, just let Noreen or Kaitlyn know about it.

Please direct any questions to Noreen or Kaitlyn.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Don't Be Alarmed -- Stay Informed

With the renovation and construction come alerts and notices.  Please stay informed by reading College Announcements that come to your inbox.  Also, refer to the MCCN Emergency Response Codes & Info (spiral-bound guide) for instructions on what to do in various situations. 

In case of a fire alarm or tornado warning, calmly evacuate both floors of the Library.  Do not use elevators during evacuation.  Direct people to use the closest stairway that takes you in front of the CLE.  To get to it, take a right just past the elevators and follow the hallway to the stairs.

Please ask Kaitlyn or Noreen if you have any questions.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Front Desk Computers

Please refer to the CODEX for the computer login.  We switched back to the old username & password that was in effect last year.  This means that the bookmarks we set in Chrome will be there at login.


No more digging around for those frequently visited pages like:

  • Library home page
  • LibAnalytics 
  • @MC Intranet site
  • This Blog you're reading

Speaking of computers...

John Smith from MCCN IT stopped by with a stack of new HelpLine Business Cards.  These replace our quarter-sheet handouts that were kept at the front desk.  This is for students and faculty who may encounter problems logging into the Computer Lab workstations, located on the 2nd Floor/CLE.

As always, please ask Noreen or Kaitlyn if you have any questions.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Fresh Start for 2019-20 Academic Year

We are trying something new for the blog in 2019-20.  You will receive an e-mail with the blog link every week.  This will make it easier for you to access it.  You are still expected to comment on the new post by entering a question -- or simply putting in your initials.  Also, feel free to respond to the e-mail with any questions or comments.

Updates from the Summer

Some of you may know that Liz Lyman is no longer at the Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library.  She is now a reference Librarian at Children's Hospital.  Kaitlyn is now the main contact for Graduate Medical Residents.  In addition, she & Ken are sharing some of the other duties.

With these staff changes, we have updated the Staff Directory and Who to Contact page at the Front Desk.  Included on the Staff Directory are new phone numbers for Security, the new Franklinton Emergency Dept. and the Operator at Mount Carmel Grove City.  Please review these sheets as well as the CODEX for further changes & updates.

Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the Library.  We appreciate all that you guys do for us!
