Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chromebooks Now Available for Check-out

We have added 10 Chromebooks to our Library laptop collection. The chromebooks are being stored in the single cabinet next to the main laptop cabinet (where we used to keep printer paper). A key lock has been added to this cabinet and the two small gold keys on a single ring are in the mug with all other keys. Remember to lock this when you close and put the key back in the mug before closing the workroom door.

The Chromebooks will work just like the laptops in terms of checkout:
  •  Use the same laptop forms and mark 'C' plus the number, to indicate Chromebook (like we do 'M' for macs)
  • Chromebooks are due by Library closing, just like the laptops

In case you did not already know, here is some info about Chromebooks (how they work and what they can do):
  •  Basically mini-laptops that can only access Google Chrome and related applications (Gmail, Google docs, etc.)  
  • When someone starts using one, they will login in with their own Google credentials – the MCCN emails are actually Gmail accounts, so ALL students have a login that will work on these. 
  • They can also use a personal Google login or 'Browse as Guest' (an option in the lower left corner of the home screen). 
  • Once logged in they will be able to directly access their own Gmail, Google docs, etc.
  • There is no ability to access other browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari) or Microsoft office programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
  • ATI testing does seem to be working on them
Please take a moment to get one out, login, and see what these look like so you will have an idea of what to expect if you are asked a question. If you have any questions, let Allison or Noreen know.


Please leave a comment sometime during your shift to acknowledge that you have read the current announcements.