Monday, March 26, 2018

As you all know all persons entering the library after hours are required to swipe in using their badge. Also during the day, however, all persons entering into the library should also have a badge or an escort from Mount Carmel. 

If you notice someone in the library who does not have a badge or a Mount Carmel escort, and you do not recognize them please let Kaitlyn or Noreen know and they will address the situation with the person. If you are ever in the library at night after all other staff have left you can call the non-emergency number for safety and security (5-5792) and explain the situation to them. An officer will then come and speak with the person and figure out if they are actually allowed to be here or not. 

Your safety is our number 1 concern, so when in doubt call for backup!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Pick Up Anywhere!

Pick up anywhere is not something that we deal with often, but it does come up occasionally and we want you to be prepared! 

Identifying a Pick-Up Anywhere Material

The first thing you need to be able to do with Pick-Up Anywhere (PUA) materials is identify them. PUA materials will always have NEON Green on them. The materials will either have a paper band on them like above, or there will be green on the sticker it will also say "Pick-Up Anywhere" on it. If you have any questions as to if a material is PUA or a normal OhioLINK material you can ask Kaitlyn or Noreen. 

Checking Out a PUA Material

Checking out a PUA material is a little different than checking out a regular material. Please follow the steps below and be sure to ask Kaitlyn if you have any questions along the way.
  1. Select "Pick-Up Anywhere" from the function drop-down menu

2. Type in the patron's name (last name, first) to open their record *Please note there is no need to put the letter "n" before their name

3. Items that are on the hold shelf will have the status of "Received" Items that are in transport will have the status of "Shipped"

4. Check the box next to the item that you want to check out, then click "Process"

5. Once you have clicked "Process" the status will now display the Due Date. (once you see the due date you know the book has been successfully checked out and you can give the patron the book)

Checking In a PUA Material 

Place on Kaitlyn's desk with a note saying that the book needs returned.

Check the Flip-Book

All of this information and more can be found in the flip book to the left of the main circ. desk computer. read through it to find more detailed instructions on this process and more! And as always if you have any questions please ask Kaitlyn, she is more than happy to help!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Laptop Check Out Forms are IMPORTANT!

Laptop checkout forms need to be filled out when the laptop is checked out to the client, as well as when it is returned. You all do a wonderful job of filling out the forms when the laptops are checked out, but filling out the form is often forgotten upon the return of the computer. Please remember that the laptop check in process is not complete until you fill in the check in portion of this form. Please make sure that you fill in these forms entirely!

Monday, March 5, 2018


Students who close the library at night: PLEASE DO THE TASK THAT IS ASSIGNED TO YOU FOR THAT NIGHT

Every closing shift you will be left a task card (on the closing check list) that has a cleaning or organizational task for you to do at some point during your shift. You are left two cards each night. Please do the card that is face up, if for some reason you can not do that card please do the card that is face down. At the end of your shift please place the card of the task that you completed on Kaitlyn's desk. It is getting to the point where night workers are signing off that they completed their task, without ever actually doing them. 

Please speak with Kaitlyn if you have any questions or concerns.