Monday, March 26, 2018

As you all know all persons entering the library after hours are required to swipe in using their badge. Also during the day, however, all persons entering into the library should also have a badge or an escort from Mount Carmel. 

If you notice someone in the library who does not have a badge or a Mount Carmel escort, and you do not recognize them please let Kaitlyn or Noreen know and they will address the situation with the person. If you are ever in the library at night after all other staff have left you can call the non-emergency number for safety and security (5-5792) and explain the situation to them. An officer will then come and speak with the person and figure out if they are actually allowed to be here or not. 

Your safety is our number 1 concern, so when in doubt call for backup!


Please leave a comment sometime during your shift to acknowledge that you have read the current announcements.