Monday, October 15, 2018

Shelving Library Materials

As you all know we are having work study students take on more responsibilities here in the library and one of these responsibilities is with shelving library books and materials. You have already learned how to read a call number on a book and how to tell where books belong on the shelf. (If you ever have any questions or need a refresher please see Kaitlyn she is more than happy to help you whenever you need) 

Now that you know how to order books on the shelves and place them back correctly we want you to know how to keep the shelves looking nice and neat. There are a few things to keep in mind when shelving, please read the list below.
  1. Make sure all books are standing upright
  2. Pull all books to the front of the shelf and make them as neat and even as possible
  3. Check and make sure that no books have been pushed behind other books and are not visible
  4. Look at the shelves around you and make sure they are neat as well
  5. If there is no room on the shelf where a book is supposed to go you are allowed to shift books as needed to make a spot for this book. 
    1. The first time that you do this if you are unsure how to do it please see Kaitlyn or Noreen and they will be able to advise you. (It's what we are here for)
  6. Under NO circumstances should you ever put a book on the shelf like in the picture below. 

If you leave the shelves looking like this you will make the kitten below cry, please do not make the kitten cry!

Also Kaitlyn will cry. Seriously, she will. 


Please leave a comment sometime during your shift to acknowledge that you have read the current announcements.