Monday, September 24, 2018

Cleaning Refreshment Station Nightly

Part of the new refreshment station for students is keeping it stocked and clean. Your responsibility as Library Work Study Students will be to keep all water dispensers as well as the Kuerig station filled and clean. You will need to get into the habit of checking the refreshment station often to ensure that everything is running smoothly. You will also have to clean and sanitize the water pitchers EVERY NIGHT THAT YOU WORK. Kaitlyn will walk you through this process before she leaves for the evening. Please make sure that you give your self plenty of time for this process, I recommend that you start cleaning and sanitizing at 7:30 pm the first few times just to make sure that you have plenty of time to complete all closing tasks. 

As always please let Kaitlyn know if you have any questions or concerns.


Please leave a comment sometime during your shift to acknowledge that you have read the current announcements.